Between The Sheets - Complete Collection Read online

Page 3

  “Have mercy on me, Brandi. Let us start as friends and see where it leads, without pushing one way or the other.”

  Suspicious, she eyed him. “Friends? Platonic friends?”


  “What exactly does that mean to you?”

  His brow furrowed. “Spending time together, of course. For example, do you have any plans for Friday night? If you do not, would you consider sharing a meal with me?”

  “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Must we label it?”

  “I would prefer it, so that we both know where we stand.”

  Gregory glanced over her shoulder. His brilliant blue eyes filled with amusement and crinkled at the corners as he chuckled. “Your friends are staring at us.”

  “Yes, well, we are having our bi-weekly book club meeting tonight.”

  “Ah, and I have taken you away from that.” He dropped his hand and reached into his back pocket, bringing out a business card for her. “Here are my numbers, both my mobile phone number and my hotel phone number with my room number. Will you call me when you get home so we can discuss this further?”

  Brandi stared at the card like it was a snake poised to strike.

  Should I take it? What might he think if I do? Am I ready to do this?

  After another moment, she took it from him. “I’ll see.”

  “Please. Promise me.”

  She sighed. “Fine, Geoffrey. Now just go, okay?”

  His eyes narrowed, but he relented. Bending toward her, he placed a warm, gentle kiss on her forehead.


  Brandi let herself into her condo, kicked off her shoes and carried them through to the master bedroom. She undressed, hung up her clothes and started a bath, pouring a generous amount of organic lemon verbena into the water. The crisp scent relaxed her like none other and, tonight, she really needed it.

  As she soaked, her impromptu conversation with Geoffrey played in her mind. Even the thought of him had her going liquid inside. The way he said her name, held her as if she was the most precious gem in his world. She closed her eyes and listened again to his voice when he said her name. Of their own volition, her hands skimmed over her breasts, pausing to pluck at taut, sensitive nipples. One hand continued southward, sliding through curls and between her outer lips, seeking the crown, already pulsing and hard. The hand worrying her nipple joined the other at the apex of her thighs, going lower. She pushed a finger inside herself. Brandi shuddered at the pleasure coursing through her.

  “Geoffrey.” His name whispered through her lips and ended on a groan. She tried going slow but the feelings built fast, ecstasy, fire and lightning raging in her blood. “Geoffrey.”

  His husky voice, spicy, essential male scent, hard muscled body pressed against her, the long, hard steel that pressed on her abdomen when they danced. She wanted him. Inside her, over her, caging her in his strong arms, his body thrusting hard and heavy inside her, dominating, forcing her to feel more than she ever had before.

  Her fingers moved faster, one thrusting inside her, the other rubbing around that tight knot of ultra-sensitive nerves at the crest of her thighs. The harsh sound of her breathing, her low guttural moans growing louder. Her body tightened and tightened until, with a cry, she exploded, free falling through time and space into a million bursts of color and light. “Geoffrey.”


  At noon sharp, Geoffrey entered the offices of The Rafferty Group. He thought he and Brandi had progressed the night before, but she never called him. Rather than risk the chance that she would not take his call, he came to meet with her in person to regain ground if he had, indeed, lost some due to her overanalyzing everything he said or did.

  Antonia glanced up and smiled, pleasure lighting her eyes. “Hello, Mr. Rasmussen.”

  “Good day, Ms. Chavez.” With her, he preferred to keep things professional by the use of last names to avoid any misunderstandings. “Is Ms. Rafferty available?”

  “Let me check.”

  Geoffrey turned away to study a painting on the wall, all the while listening intently. Though he would remain polite, he refused to let Brandi shut him out, even if he had to barge into her office to gain her attention.

  “You may go on in, Mr. Rasmussen.”

  He briefed her with a slight smile as he passed and entered Brandi’s office, closing the door with a little snap. She sat tall in her chair behind her desk, shoulders straight, expression wary. Geoffrey held her gaze as he walked to one of the chairs facing her and sat forward, elbows on his knees, hands folded one on top of the other.

  “Hello, Brandi.”

  She dipped her head. “Geoffrey.” Without warning, Brandi blushed, color suffusing her from the neck up into her face.

  His brows rose, eyes narrowed as he considered what that could mean. For now, he let it go. “You did not call me.”

  “I was exhausted.” She shrugged as she shuffled papers around on her desk.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  Again, the color flooded her face and neck, but she brazened through it. “Fine, and you?”

  He shook his head. “No, not well at all. I worried and wondered about you all night long.”

  That gave her pause. “Why?”

  This time, he shrugged. “Because I care.”

  She pursed her lips. “You don’t know me well enough to care.”

  “Ah. So, to you, caring is a matter of time rather than of the heart.”

  “I think so, yes. Time will determine whether it’s really me you care about or your version of who you think I am.”

  Geoffrey nodded slowly. “You have a point. However, how can I know who you really are if you do not give me the opportunity?”

  Her eyes met his gaze. “True. All right, Geoffrey, I accept your invitation to dinner, but only if I pay for my meal.”

  “No.” On this, he held firm. “I extended the invitation so I pick up the check. I will not compromise on this, Brandi.”

  She smiled and rolled her eyes. “Fine, Geoffrey, okay? Are we done now? Can I get back to work now?”

  Geoffrey returned her smile, satisfied. He stood and strode around the desk, pulling her up, his arms circling her loosely. “Thank you. Will you tell me at dinner why you blushed?”

  She pushed him away. “No, I will not. Now go before I change my mind.”

  He kissed her on the forehead. “Until Friday.”

  Once outside, he chuckled to himself and then grinned wide.

  Brandi tried to hide it, but her restraint failed, a grin breaking free the minute Geoffrey left her office. A thrill of excitement tingled the nerves all over her body. For a moment, she let herself feel, well, just feel.

  Reality intruded and she pulled back hard. The simple fact of the matter was, well, she didn’t know who Geoffrey was. Not really. People always behaved a certain way while trying to get to know one another. Then one day the mask came off and the real person emerged.

  Still, she refused to hide in her own personal cocoon for fear of getting hurt. At the same time, she realized the necessity of wisdom in her dealings with anyone. Also, she could lose out on her blessings if she continually assumed that another man would be as vindictive as Nick. As always, when thoughts of Nick intruded, pain followed, a reminder of what could happen again.

  She decided it was time to call a girls’ meeting.


  Brandi spotted her friends as soon as she entered. They sat at a booth on the far side of the bar, just as Diamond assured her, affording them a measure of privacy.

  As she slid onto the bench seat next to Renee, Diamond said, “We ordered a strawberry daiquiri for you. Now talk. What’s going on?”

  Renee frowned. “Let her catch her breath, Diamond.”

  “Oh, sorry. I’m just anxious to know what the problem is so we can focus on the solution.”

  Brandi took a deep breath. “I need you all to tell me the truth. What did you think of Nick when you met him for the first
time? Please, be blunt.”

  “Is this about Geoffrey?” asked Lisa, curiosity shining in her eyes.

  Brandi shook her head. “No, this is about Nick and me. I really need to know what you thought about him.”

  Her friends exchanged glances.

  “Please.” Brandi met each of their gazes. “I’m tired of letting what happened with Nick color my decisions towards the opposite sex. So I need to know where I went wrong with him. What didn’t I see?”

  “Well, for one,” said Lisa. “You let him take control of your life.”

  “Yes,” agreed Renee in her soft-spoken voice. “He dictated to you who you could see, where you could go, even when you could do anything that didn’t involve him.”

  Brandi stared, open-mouthed. “Really?”

  They nodded, solemn.

  “Frankly, Brandi, we wondered if maybe he was abusing you.”

  She snorted softly. “Okay, I may have let Nick take over certain aspects of my life, but surely you had to know I am not about to let myself be abused.”

  Diamond spread her hands and shrugged. “We’re just telling you how we saw things. Controlling a person is another form of abuse, you know.”

  Brandi blew out a breath. “Okay. Well, what do you think of Geoffrey?”

  Diamond’s brows rose. “I already told you that man’s a keeper.”

  “But why do you say that?”

  “Because he, well, I feel he’s inherently honest and kind. He comes across as hardworking and fair, approachable, easy to talk to.”

  Lisa tilted her head to one side. “It’s evident he finds you attractive. But you’re more worried about yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Of course. I don’t trust my own judgment. What didn’t I see in Nick?”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it,” Diamond said, frowning. “You were busy trying to grow your business. So you missed some things. So what? Everyone has a lapse of judgment at one time or another, you know. Learn from it and move on. Don’t let it hold you back.”

  Brandi nodded and took a deep breath. “I’m going out on Friday with Geoffrey.”

  Her friends smirked at her.

  “What?” said Lisa.

  “We could see that coming a mile away,” said Diamond.

  “Yes, well, I almost turned him down.”

  Renee laid a hand on her forearm. “Do not let one man make you doubt yourself. Go and enjoy yourself then come back and tell us all about it.”

  “Thanks, I needed this,” said Brandi.


  Geoffrey arrived at Brandi’s condominium at seven p.m. sharp. Rapping sharply on her door, he waited several tense minutes before Brandi opened the door. She was a vision, dressed simply in a black dress that flared at the knee. She didn’t wear a lot of makeup, but what she did wear accentuated those gorgeous eyes of hers, so vivid and so clear, framed by long, dark lashes. Strappy, high-heeled sandals made her legs seem impossibly longer.

  He couldn’t say a word, just stared transfixed, willing his blood to stay away from his groin area.

  Amusement filled the luminous depths of her eyes. “Hello, Geoffrey.”

  He cleared his throat and swallowed hard. “You are beautiful, Brandi.”

  “Thank you. Shall we go?”

  “Yes.” Once she locked her door, he linked her arm through his.

  She glanced up at him as they walked. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Somewhere we can talk.”

  “Where the food is delicious, of course?”

  Geoffrey grinned. “Of course.”

  After helping her into his SUV, he hurried around to the driver side and slid under the steering wheel.

  “Go on,” Geoffrey said after catching her staring at him more than once. “Ask.”

  Brandi shrugged. “Just wondered how you managed to remain unattached.”

  “Busy with work. The new plant and midtown office buildings have kept me busy. I was originally sent here for a year to get things up and running and then return to Denmark. However, I am now being considered to take over the running of the new plant here.”

  “Yes, but is there no one special back in Denmark?”

  “I do not know how many ways I can say no, Brandi.”

  Twenty minutes later, Geoffrey turned into the parking lot of a popular Italian restaurant. He assisted Brandi from the truck, linking arms. The brush of their bodies added fuel to the fire in his blood.

  People waited outside, the line long, but Geoffrey continued through the crowd. He felt Brandi’s questioning gaze as he opened the door for her and spoke to the hostess at the entrance. He gave the hostess his name and they followed her to a private table where they could talk without fear of being overheard.

  Warmth invaded Brandi’s limbs as the evening progressed. Throughout the dinner that he’d pre-ordered, Geoffrey took every opportunity to touch her, whether it was her hair, her face or her arm. Everywhere he touched her sent electric shocks through her. His spicy scent filled her lungs and started a meltdown in her core. Brandi involuntarily took a deep breath. She was burning up inside.

  Trying to ignore the effects he engendered, she took refuge in conversation. “Do you come from a large family?”

  “Yes. I have four brothers, two older and one younger, and a sister. My parents are getting older, but are still able to drive and get around. How about you?”

  “I’m an only child. My parents are well and now live in Florida.”

  They ate in silence for a moment, while Brandi’s mind, and body, replayed the explosive orgasm she’d enjoyed from just fantasizing about him. It required considerable effort to push the scene out of her mind, especially with the way his eyes roamed over her.

  Over dessert, Geoffrey brought up the subject she wasn’t sure she was ready for.

  “I like you, Brandi, and, yes, I am attracted to you, just as you are to me. The question now is what are we going to do about it?”

  She took a shaky breath. “I’m not sure there’s anything we need to do about it.”

  His voice dropped lower. “You make me burn, woman, even when I am not near you. You feel it, too, and it is stronger than I have ever known. This is a phenomenon that does not occur often.”

  Brandi studied him a moment. “What are you suggesting?”

  His brooding gaze swept over her. “Continue to spend time together, like this. Exclusively.”

  She bit her lip, considering him. He held himself stiff, his gaze intense.

  No man, not even Nick, ever looked at me with such hunger.

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’m willing to give it a try,” she said softly, “but don’t push me, okay?”

  He visibly relaxed and Brandi grinned.

  “Do not worry, I will not risk pushing you away.”

  After dinner, Geoffrey took her straight home. “To give you time to think about what we have discussed.”

  At her door, he placed his hands on her waist, leaned in and gave her a lingering kiss that fanned the flames, a fire raging out of control. Her mouth opened and his tongue swept inside, stroking hers and tasting everywhere. A groan wrenched from her throat and still, he drank her in, a groan rumbling out of him. Brandi lost all control. She gave as good as she got, her tongue sweeping in his mouth, her arms tightening around his neck.


  His desperate, husky mumble of her name made up her mind.

  Time be damned, I want him now!

  Pushing hard against him, she turned and unlocked the door with the keys already in her hand.


  She grabbed a handful of his shirt and dragged him inside with her and slammed the door. Then she was on him, pulling down his head and diving back into the warm, moist cavern of his mouth. He tasted so good, she couldn’t stop.

  Strong arms grabbed her shoulders and held her back. “Brandi, wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait.”

  He shook her and her eyes went wid
e. “I have dreamed of this since the day I laid eyes on you. We will not rush this. Understood?”

  She rolled her eyes and released a frustrated breath. “Fine. Now what?”

  Geoffrey grinned. “Take me to your bedroom.”

  Brandi grabbed his hand and led the way. He looked around with interest, but she was through waiting. Bending each leg, she pushed her shoe strap over her heels and kicked them away, then tugged off his jacket, dropped it and reached for the buttons on his shirt.

  Geoffrey chuckled, bringing her gaze up. “Once you decide on a course of action, you don’t waste a second, do you?”

  She parted his shirt, her gaze fixed on his well-developed chest muscles and his abs. A line of hair arrowed down, disappearing beneath the waistband of his slacks. “No, I don’t. You have a problem with that?”

  He grasped her chin, lifting until her eyes met his. “Maybe I want to drive.”

  “Next time.”

  Geoffrey grasped a handful of her hair and tugged. To her surprise, and relief, he inclined his head. “Then get on with it, woman.”

  Full, overjoyed and deeply in lust, Brandi pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the center of his chest. Geoffrey moaned and clasped the back of her head, not forcing her, just holding. She kissed her way to one hard, male nipple, laving and sucking. He shuddered, pushing forward with his hips, the hard, steel length of him pressing against her. Brandi kissed and sucked her way to his other nipple, even as her hands slid down to his waistband.

  “Please tell me you have condoms,” she husked out, slipping his belt loose, releasing the button and sliding his zipper down. With one hand, she palmed his hot and heavy erection, her legs going weak at his impressive length.

  Going down on her knees, she eased his pants and boxers down while he kicked off his loafers and stepped out of his clothes. He stood naked in all his wonderful, male glory.

  She reached to grasp his erection, but he caught hold of her hands.

  “It is my turn to undress you. Any objections?”

  Before she could answer, he took her mouth. His hands rough, he pushed off her jacket. He kissed and sucked her neck as he zipped down her dress, pushed it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

  Brandi sucked in sharp at the touch of his hand on the skin of her waist. He pulled her back against him, both of them groaning at the feel of skin against skin. His hands slid around and up over her rib cage, leaving a fire in their wake. She twisted, trying to turn around, but he wouldn’t let her. Cupping her breasts, he thumbed her nipples through her bra, sending zings to the apex of her thighs. She squeezed her thighs shut, shuddering at the burning desire swamping her.