Between The Sheets - Complete Collection Read online

Page 4

  “Geoffrey,” her voice broke. “Please.”

  He walked her forward to the bed, turned her around and pushed her down. Undoing the clasp between her breasts, he slid the straps of her bra over her shoulders and tossed it behind him. Her pantyhose came next, easing them down each long, shapely leg. She moved further up the bed. He followed, coming over her, spreading her legs with his body and covering her mouth with his own in a quick, hungry kiss, before sucking and nipping his way to the tip of one tight, hard nub, sucking it deep in his mouth.

  Brandi arched up, a rush of moisture flooding her core. Still, he sucked hard, over and over again, plucking and pinching her neglected nipple.

  “Please,” she gasped, the muscles in her core clamping down, hungry for more. “Now, Geoffrey. I need you now.”

  He moved away from her. Eyes wide, she stared, uncomprehending. “What are you doing?”

  He swept up his pants and her heart sank. Is he leaving?

  Turning back, he held something in his hand and grinned. “Condoms.”

  Her breath rushed out of her in relief. With bated breath, her eyes glued to his hands, she watched as he eased the latex onto his mouthwatering, silk-over-steel cock. “Hurry, please.”

  He grabbed her around the waist with one arm so she was resting only on her upper back. His other hand grasped his cock and guided him to the glistening wetness between her legs. One thrust and he was seated to the hilt, groaning. Brandi couldn’t say a word or catch a breath. He filled her. She’d never felt so full, her insides ultra-sensitive at the pulsing length inside her.

  “Hold on,” he said.

  Before she could even comprehend what he said, Geoffrey withdrew and powered back inside. Her body tightened as he rolled his hips, touching every part of her and grinding against her clit before withdrawing only to power back in and do it all again. She dug her fingernails in his arms, trying to find an anchor.

  It was too fast. She couldn’t control it. She couldn’t hold it back. He controlled it, controlled her. Taking her breath, ratcheting up the pleasure, driving her inexorably onwards. A sob wrung out of her. Her eyes wide, she hung there on the precipice. His next stroke sent her plunging as she came apart in his arms. A scream wrenched from her. Still, he didn’t stop, dragging out her climax, the ecstasy washing over her without pause. Twisting in his arms, she tossed her head back and forth. She couldn’t even find enough breath to beg him to stop. All she could do was feel, feel like she never had before.

  A hoarse shout sounded above her, joining hers, and he collapsed on top of her. Only the sound of their harsh breathing filled the room.


  A pounding at her door woke her. Brandi opened her eyes, waited for them to adjust to the darkened room and sat up. A snore brought her head around. He was still there. She frowned, trying to remember, but whatever happened after, well, she didn’t remember a thing except the indescribable, out of this world, never experienced before, penultimate lovemaking and earth-shattering climax.

  The pounding started up again. Groaning, she swung her legs off the bed, but Geoffrey grabbed her before she could stand.

  “You expecting company?”

  Brandi rolled her eyes. “Does it look like I’m expecting company?”

  “I’m going with you.”

  All she wanted to do was get under the covers and go back to sleep. “Then come on.”

  Grabbing her robe from the hook on her bathroom door, she shrugged it on while he put on his pants, zipping them but leaving them unbuttoned. She led the way down the hall to the door and looked through the peephole. “I don’t see anyone. Maybe they realized they were at the wrong condo.”

  As she finished speaking, the pounding started again. Cursing under her breath, she unlocked the door and jerked it open, her eyes widening at the man leaning against the doorframe. “Nick,” she said.

  Between The Sheets Book 2

  “Nick!” Brandi exclaimed, her mind blanking as she stared at the man who’d caused her so much pain. A red-hot wave of anger washed over her. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  The man who once meant everything to her stood there as though he had every right and, damn him, he looked as handsome as she remembered. Not as tall as Geoffrey, but he had the same lean, athletic build. His hair was auburn and wavy. Nick’s still cold, green eyes: Not a speck of warmth there.

  He cocked one brow. “What do you think? This is my home.”

  Brandi snorted. “Not anymore, it isn’t. You left, remember? I, alone, have paid the mortgage and taxes for the last year.”

  “I’m on the deed, Bee.”

  “I could care less.”

  Nick looked over her shoulder. “Who are you?”

  “None of your business. Goodnight, Nick.” She pushed the door closed.

  Nick reached out an arm, slapping his hand flat on the door, preventing it from closing. “Where am I supposed to go?”

  “Not really my problem.”

  “You can’t keep me out of my home.”

  Geoffrey stepped up beside her. “You heard the lady. It’s time for you to leave.”

  The two men stared at each other for a long moment as she fumed, arms across her chest.

  Like I need his help. He doesn’t think I can handle my own problems?

  Nick dropped his arm. “This isn’t over, Bee.”

  “Whatever, Nick.”

  Brandi slammed the door and faced Geoffrey, tone clipped. “Do you really think I couldn’t handle that on my own?”

  Taken aback, he frowned. “Of course you could, and did. I merely backed you up.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “No, Geoffrey, you stepped in and took over. Nick didn’t leave because I refused to let him in. He left because you weren’t going to let him in.”

  Palms out and facing her, he said, “Brandi, you need to calm down.”

  She snapped her hand down and turned away. “Don’t tell me I need to calm down. I’m not some hysterical female upset about nothing. I don’t need saving or protecting. I know how to handle my business, personal and professional.”

  Geoffrey released a long, drawn out breath. “Fine. I apologize for thinking I should step in to back you up.”

  “Don’t patronize me,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “I swear you are the most stubborn, hard-headed, difficult woman I have ever met.” He closed his eyes, hands on his hips, and took another deep breath. “Look, Brandi, I’m tired. Can we please just go back to bed?”

  Not ready to let it go, she said, “Are you sure you want to sleep with the most stubborn, hard-headed, difficult woman you have ever met?”

  Geoffrey grabbed her and lifted her in his arms. “Oh, I am quite sure.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but he forestalled her by sealing his mouth over hers.

  In spite of her anger, or maybe because of it, the kiss acted like gasoline on the fire raging in her blood as their tongues dueled. A throaty groan rose as pleasure spread outward like thousands of fingers caressing each and every square inch of sensitized nerves. Blood flowed south, plumping that most intimate place while moisture flowed, readying her for him. Her breasts swelled, nipples pebbled. She yearned to rub them against his bare chest and the sprinkling of hair there. Pushing her hands between them, she yanked open her robe and pressed herself against him, both groaning at the tactile sensation.

  Placing her on the bed, he followed her down, covering her underneath him as his hands roamed over her, scorching her everywhere he touched. His lips skated across her cheek and he nibbled and licked his way down her neck, over the swell of her breast until his mouth captured one taut nipple in the wet warmth of his mouth. Brandi gasped as he sucked hard, arching her back, lifting her breasts up for more. His hand cupped her neglected breast, squeezing with just the right tension and then plucking and pinching the nipple. A rush of moisture burst through her as she moaned, her own hands running over the hard, muscled body atop her. She raked her nails up his back
and was rewarded with a harsh, muffled shout.

  Geoffrey pushed her up further on the bed and began kissing his way down her body, stopping to pay attention to her naval and then continuing down. His gaze locked with hers, he lifted her legs, placing them over his shoulders. He hooked his arms under each leg so she was completely opened to him. An unbearable tension gripped her as his gaze bored into hers while he slowly and deliberately lowered his head. Inhaling deep, he closed his eyes and shuddered.

  “I love your scent, so ripe, musky, the essence of you.”

  With a little rumble in his throat, he spread her and licked from her pussy to the taut bundle of nerves crowning her most intimate place. His tongue circled her clit, flicking back and forth. A tremble swept through Brandi as her body tightened further. She pushed her hips up, but he backed off.

  “Geoffrey, please.” She didn’t recognize the hoarse neediness in her voice, but she couldn’t have cared less at that moment.

  “No,” he mumbled into her pussy. “I’m going to take my time and enjoy the scent, taste, and feel of you.”

  A flash of anger went through her. “No, I want…”

  Her words turned into a groan as he covered her clit and sucked. Lightning flashed behind her eyelids. She was so close.

  Again, he backed off, his tongue thrusting into her pussy, licking the sensitive surface inside her. Brandi tossed her head from side to side, the unbearable tension in her body ratcheting up even higher.

  “Play with your nipples, Brandi.”

  It was a command, plain and simple, but the pleasure coursing through her at his attentions overcame the part of her that flinched in instant rejection of the order. Her hands lifted of their own volition, sliding down the swells of her breasts and around to cup them, her thumbs flicking across her nipples. Back and forth, back and forth, each pass sending zings straight to the apex of her thighs. Her body wound tighter and tighter until she thought she’d pass out from the tension.

  “Please, Geoffrey,” she pleaded, her voice breaking on his name.

  He let her legs fall off his shoulders as he went up on his knees. With one hard thrust, he impaled her to the hilt, setting off the orgasm of all orgasms. Brandi couldn’t even scream, her voice caught in her throat as the waves and waves of pleasure swept over and through her. Geoffrey withdrew and thrust back inside, powering thrusts that made her orgasm go on and on, until she thought she’d die from the ecstasy of it. Everything went dark. His thrusts came quicker, setting off another explosion of pleasure that swept her under. The unbelievable sensations caused her to pass out.

  When Brandi came to, she was under the covers, her back to Geoffrey, whose body curved into hers. Her eyes slid closed, her body’s need to rest overtaking any thought she may have had.


  The sun shone brightly when Brandi awakened alone. She sat up to listen, but no sounds greeted her.

  Pursing her lips, she threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood, making her way to her adjoining bathroom. A second towel hung over the shower curtain. She felt it, sniffed it: A hint of Geoffrey’s clean, spicy male scent clinging to it, her body quivering at the memory of his incredible, thorough lovemaking. Even now, her knees went weak.

  Firming her lips, she pushed the memory down deep. She had something more urgent to handle, what with Nick being back and all. After brushing her teeth and taking a quick shower, Brandi looked through her contact list. Nick wasn’t going to go away, that she knew, so she needed to find out where they stood legally. No way was she going to live in the same house with that man. Still, she couldn’t ignore the fact that they did buy the condo together, although in the year that he’d been gone he didn’t pay a dime for the mortgage and taxes, nor the condo fees or its upkeep. He stopped receiving mail at this address the day he walked out of her life.

  Brandi pulled out the card with a flourish. She’d done some work for the lawyer and he’d been more than satisfied. Now it was his turn to help her.

  A noise reached her ears. She tilted her head, motionless, and listened intently. A mouthwatering aroma had her inhaling with appreciation. Going to her closet, she selected a pair of jeans and a V-neck tee shirt.

  He didn’t leave.

  Brandi chose to ignore the relief that washed over her. Dressed, she walked down the short hallway into her kitchen. Geoffrey stood at the stove, flipping pancakes. The aroma of hardwood smoked bacon and eggs swirled around the room, but it was the man who captured her attention. He wore her chef-style apron over a bare chest and jeans that hung low on his hips. She swallowed hard, a vision of those hips’ powering thrusts inside her sent butterflies winging low in her abdomen.

  Clearing her throat, she took a seat at the breakfast bar. “Morning, Geoffrey.”

  He turned and smiled at her. “Good morning, Brandi. Did you sleep well?”

  “Did you?” she countered with a smile. “So you cooked breakfast for me.”

  He shrugged. “For us. I awoke with a mighty hunger…for food.”

  “Me, too. Anything I can do to help?”

  “Would you get the plates for us? Maybe something to drink?”

  “Of course.” Brandi slid off the stool and went to the cabinets, taking out what they needed before pouring orange juice in their glasses.

  Silence reigned until Geoffrey finished cooking their meals. Working together, they prepared the plates and took seats at the dining table, bowing their heads in silent thanks.

  “So, Nick is your ex.”

  Oh, I know he isn’t about to quiz me on something that has nothing to do with him.

  “Yes,” she replied, her voice devoid of warmth.

  Geoffrey either didn’t get the message or he didn’t care. “And this condo? You bought it together?”

  Her lips tightened. “Yes, we did. Now can we drop the subject, please?”

  He laid down his fork. “Do you not think I have a right to know? I am here with you, in what he considers his territory. Whether we like it or not, I am now involved.”

  “How? How are you involved? Nick’s a part of my past. One night with me doesn’t mean you’re involved.”


  She dropped her fork and pushed back from the table. “This subject is closed. You can show yourself out.”

  I can’t believe him! The audacity of the man, thinking he has the right to pry into something that is none of his business, all because they’d spent one night together.

  Brandi stood, went to her bedroom without a backward glance and waited. Several moments passed.

  “This is not over, Brandi.”

  The next sound she heard was the click of the door closing.

  Leaning back against the door, she closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.


  The woman could frustrate a saint.

  Geoffrey ran both his hands through his hair as he made his way to his SUV. He didn’t like the look of that guy, Nick. If he’d gotten the man’s last name, he would have had a background check done on him. It was clear he meant Brandi harm.

  He shook his head.

  “She put you out, man?”

  Geoffrey swung around. Nick backed up, but the sarcastic smirk on his face remained.

  “Bee’s a hardball, a real ball-buster.”

  His voice hard, Geoffrey asked, “What the hell are you doing still here?”

  He scoffed. “I have more right than you, seeing as how I own the place.”

  “You better get a lawyer. We both know Brandi will not welcome you inside without a legal document that gives her no choice.”

  “She doesn’t have a choice. We’re both named on the deed.”

  Geoffrey narrowed his eyes at the man. “I see why you did not make it with her. You underestimate her.”

  “She tell you that?” crowed Nick, laughing. “I left her, man. She didn’t even see it coming. So intelligent, yet she missed all the signs.”

  “You did her a favor by opening the door for a man wh
o will appreciate her.”

  “Right. And you think you’re that man? Look, I know the signs. You should’ve been peacocking when you came out here. Instead, you look like you couldn’t wait to get away from her.”

  Tired of the man, Geoffrey turned away. “You just stay away from her.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Geoffrey tossed the man a grin over his shoulder. “She will handle it. I do not think you will like how she handles it.”

  As he climbed in his truck, Geoffrey realized how true that was. Brandi didn’t get to where she was by luck. Still, she needed to learn that help should be welcomed. It didn’t lessen her capabilities.

  Stubborn woman, he thought.


  Brandi ended her call, satisfied that she was currently in her right to disallow Nick entry. For now, at least. At her appointment on Monday, she and her lawyer would discuss her options.

  Her immediate issue taken care of, Brandi allowed thoughts of Geoffrey to come to the forefront of her mind. The passion between them was unreal. Of course, she may have just tossed it all away when she made him leave.

  Sighing, she called Diamond. “Hey, girl,” she said when her friend answered.

  “Oh, oh. What’s happened?”

  Releasing another deep sigh, she replied, “I think I might’ve messed up.” She proceeded to tell her friend everything that happened and waited.

  After a moment, Diamond said, “Okay, let’s take one thing at a time. First, a huge thumbs up to you and Geoffrey dancing between the sheets! Way to go, girl, and ‘bout damn time, if you ask me!”

  Brandi couldn’t help but laugh. “You know you’re crazy, right?”

  “No, just enthusiastic. Anyway, on to the second thing. Nick showed up without so much as a call or notice, and actually thought you were supposed to let him in after what he did? You did the right thing there. Now you just need a lawyer to figure out your next move. If I know you, which I do, you’ve already made an appointment with one.”